My list (but not really)
I have a chemistry assignment to do; it won't be hard or time consuming or interesting. My problem is this; my sock draw is tidy, my CD’s are already in alphabetical order, I put all my books in perfect height order during the great avoid the physics text book episode of two days ago and my bed didn’t take nearly as long to make as anticipated. So you see I’m faced with actually doing this assignment in the very near future.
In fact I had turned on the computer with this shameful undertaking in mind, when my wonderful fantastic blog came to my rescue yet again. And so in the time honored spirit of procrastination I give you;
Kel’s List of Really Good Books
If u have met me, even for the briefest second u are probably aware I’m rather fond of books, in fact u probably have several of mine in your possession (“you have to read this, I reckon you’ll love it”). If you haven’t met me you’ll have to take my word for it (or don’t, I don’t care).
Anyway, my judgment of books doesn’t always fit with your traditional English teachers opinion. I tend to judge on its ability to keep me interested, make me laugh (or cry) out loud on the train, my ability to understand it and most importantly that rare quality a truly wonderful book has that makes u simultaneously want to get to the end to find out what happens and dread reaching the end because then the book will be over and you can’t escape into it's world again.
As opposed to the English teachers criteria; the books ability to make me tear my hair out with boredom and plot my own death just to escape the dull dribble they consider literary genius (still its very likely I am wrong and they are right).
Just looked at clock, as is the rule of procrastination, the time leading up to the hour when it is absolutely necessary for you to begin work (you know; I mean, really this time, its already going to be late and sub par, the hour to get it in on time and correct past ages ago, but if you don’t do it now you’ll fail altogether) travels much faster and then slows down to compensate while you labor through the boring ins and outs of some tedious concept or another. Anyway I must start work and so my list will have to wait until I can do it justice, I have a few more physics chapters to read tomorrow so I will probably do it then.
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