Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Study is boring - so much so im bloging again

So this is goodbye, even as I write this my mind is thinking its last thoughts, shutting down its programs, turning off the lights and preparing to leave forever. I am using the last of my dwindling capabilities to farewell you, my dear friends, with whom some of my happiest brain functioning occurred.
As much as I would love to hold on, my battered brain just can not take it anymore, its tattered remains whimper with every thought, sparks cracking across once strong and proud neural tracks.
And what, you ask, could cause such destruction? My brain dear friends, has be ravaged by the most server infliction known to man, worse than picks disease, sematic dementia, Alzheimer disease or the unstoppable progression of prions. The twin forces of exams and study are what have forced my brain to its untimely evacuation; the stresses enforced by these two beasts have torn at my every neural connection, causing dendrites to curl upon themselves like water starved leaves, turning shrivelled and brown and neurotransmitters spill into the gaps draining slowly down and pooling around my tormented hippocampus as it struggles to retain what it must.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nearly three years on and your blog has caught me in it's snare.

any chance of an update?

2:01 AM  
Blogger kelmaree said...

Hey thanks - it's been even longer now and i just remembered this site – and I came to reminisce - nice to know it was appreciated in my absence

10:46 PM  

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