A Random Rant
so i was watching House last night repeat, sadly, (- why do they only show a new episode every few weeks - v v annoying ) anyway its the one where Chases dad comes to visit - you know cause he is dying or whatever and that Kid gets leprosy. well it made me laugh and not just at the kid (because lets face it ancient diseases are just funny - i personally plan to die of the plague or perhaps be overcome by consumption)
What was really fun though is how the father asks "when are you planning to be in OZ next?"*
and Chase replies "I’ll be home next Autumn"* Lets put aside the fact that Australian actors playing Australians in American shows fell they have to change their accents to fit what Americans believe our accent sounds like and all the humor that exists here. im even willing to look over the awkward insertion of Autumn instead of "fall" and the uncomfortable pronunciation that ensued.
My problem is with the use of the word Oz!!! no right minded Australian uses this word in seriousness it should only be uttered with extreme irony, sarcasm or when mocking someone!!! You can just see the writers in America sitting around the desk late at night, eating , what is it... egg rolls, what are they by the way - Americans are always eating them in movies - is it like spring roll?? they sound revolting! egg. rolls.! ewwww, so anyway they are eating them out of those white Chinese food containers with fumbling with chopsticks in order to appear pretentious enough.
There sitting there thinking, we have to making it bleedingly obvious that this guy is Australian , the stilted accent and occasional mocking don't do justice to our gimmick, and so the pick the most cliqued word they could find slam it awkwardly in and hey presto - instant Australian!!
I sound overly annoyed – im not – I thought it was funny and I need a rant
*quotations may bear little resemblance to actual words said; the general gist is right