Sunday, March 26, 2006

Me? Procratinating? I Would Never!!

Ok, so I was sitting down at my computer all set to do some physics homework, feeling very studious. And next thing I know, my hands without any consultation with my brain have opened up my blog. And I thought; Hey they might be on to something, I mean how important is uni anyway, I mean really?????

So hear I am, although now I have nothing to write …….hmmmmmmm

I like this picture, it hurts your brain , much like physics homework does but its much nicer to look at.

Pictures always make things better, they give the illusion you had a plan for your post, like your making a point. I don’t and I’m not, but people at first glance will think I do.

Pictures also make blogs look exciting. They say you should never judge a book by its cover (Or a blog by its layout), but their wrong (and I'm right). A cover is designed to be judged – that’s its purpose and it contains all the necessary information to tell whether you’ll like it or not.

Like, for example, I am reading catch-22 at the moment (v good by the way, so funny), its cover is clean and simple , the name and author written small with just a unobtrusive picture of a war plane this tells me; one that its about war and two that it’s a famous book that can draw a reader simply by its name and doesn’t need to convince them with a flashy cover.

You cant always tell though, like the time I tried reading Anna Karenina - total mistake; the cover was so promising but the book was so boring, I mean seriously who cares about farming??? I really don’t get what all the fuss is with Tolstoy; I mean really – does he really need all those words I’m sure I could tell it in half the time.

Any way I’ve had my rant for today – I had 2 actually and I’m feeling much better, might just go and read some before I start physics though, purely just to ready my mind you see, its got nothing to do with procrastination, I’ve NEVER done that in my life!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ha - a comment

To all my loyal readers, of whom in sure there are thousands
(im sure you check everyday just to see if i have taken the time to enlighten ur day by posting a few lines - only to have your hearts broken each and every time, well im sorry i live a very busy and important life (also i can never think of anything to say)).

Anyway, i would like u to all look at the previous posts, and if u look carefully, down near the bottom you'll see something very rare for this blog- that’s right a comment and if u take the time to open it u’ll see that its not spam!!!

Forgive me for being over excited, most other bloggers don’t dedicate entire posts to a comment, i know, but they haven’t had the misfortunes ive had, they weren’t there when i screamed and i begged and i pleaded and still the computer was silent, (damned evil computer, why does it hate me so???) and they weren’t there when that horrible sickening feeling hit - id have to move my blog and leave my beloved comments behind. Sad times my dear readers sad, sad times.

Anyway my point is that it can be done, u have seen it happen my friends, now u do it too!!!

Oh and i am an Aussie, born and raised, as Aussie as a Barbie on a scorcher,
and i don’t think ive ever called it a university in my life, didn’t realise it was an Aussie thing. Although after typing it just that once i am sick of it and don’t think ill do it again.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Well.. long time no post , i kinda forgot about this , aslo i got depressed that the only msgs i got were spam, but ive start reading other ppls blogs lately (ive found myself with lots of spare time of late) and i dunno i was kinda inspired to start again.
I start my second year of uni on monday and thought this would be a welcome distraction; something to spend hours doing when i really should be studying.
so watch this space for more posts of an exciting, profound (or more truthfully self-absorbed and poorly spelled) nature.